
Abrasive material 发明授权

2022-07-31 3020 745K 0


申请日期 2025-02-24 申请号 US10363678
公开(公告)号 US6824578B2 公开(公告)日 2004-11-30
公开国别 US 申请人省市代码 全国
申请人 Mitsui Mining Smelting Co Ltd
简介 A polishing material is provided in which the dispersibility of the abrasive grains of the polishing material having, as a major component, rare earth oxides including cerium oxide is made better and the hardness of abrasive grain precipitates is reduced, and at the same time high efficiency of polishing can be achieved stably. According to the present invention, in a polishing material having, as the major component, rare earth oxides including cerium oxide, any one of crystalline cellulose, calcium secondary phosphate, a condensate of sodium β-naphthalenesulphonate and formalin, and synthetic silica is contained as an anti-solidification agent capable of softening abrasive grain precipitates of the polishing material when the abrasive grains of the polishing material are dispersed into a dispersion medium, and sodium hexametaphosphate or pyrophosphate is contained as a dispersant capable of dispersing the abrasive grains of the polishing material into the dispersion medium.


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