
Apparatus and method for reducing stray light in substrate processing chambers 发明授权

2022-07-31 3840 1000K 0


申请日期 2025-02-25 申请号 US10288271
公开(公告)号 US6835914B2 公开(公告)日 2004-12-28
公开国别 US 申请人省市代码 全国
申请人 Mattson Technology Inc
简介 A method and apparatus for heating semiconductor wafers in thermal processing chambers. The apparatus includes a non-contact temperature measurement system that utilizes radiation sensing devices, such as pyrometers, to determine the temperature of the wafer during processing. The radiation sensing devices determine the temperature of the wafer by monitoring the amount of radiation being emitted by the wafer at a particular wavelength. In accordance with the present invention, a spectral filter is included in the apparatus for filtering light being emitted by lamps used to heat the wafer at the wavelength at which the radiation sensing devices operate. The spectral filter includes a light absorbing agent such as a rare earth element, an oxide of a rare earth element, a light absorbing dye, a metal, or a semiconductor material.


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