
Transparent paramagnetic polymer 发明授权

2022-07-31 2340 1318K 0


申请日期 2025-02-26 申请号 US10050281
公开(公告)号 US6846429B2 公开(公告)日 2005-01-25
公开国别 US 申请人省市代码 全国
申请人 David M Dean
简介 This invention provides a transparent, paramagnetic polymer composition in which a polymer is completed with sufficient rare earth ions, particularly ions selected from ions in the group of elements 64-69, to provide a polymer with a magnetic mass susceptibility greater than 20×10−6 emu/g measured at 298° K. This invention provides optically responsive devices that employ these transparent, paramagnetic polymers as an element that is responsive to a magnetic field and a means for providing magnetic field. This invention provides transparent labels or markings employing these transparent, paramagnetic polymers.


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