
Disposal method and system for solid rocket propellant waste by using direct high-speed incineration 发明申请

2022-07-31 4590 65K 0


申请日期 2025-02-26 申请号 KR1020030048586
公开(公告)号 KR1020050009348A 公开(公告)日 2005-01-25
公开国别 KR 申请人省市代码 全国
简介 PURPOSE : A method is provided to make a waste solid propellant of a rocket harmless at high speed by direct ignition and consumption in a propulsion engine without special separation/decomposition/incineration processes. And an apparatus thereof is also provided. CONSTITUTION : The method comprises the steps of : exhausting high temperature deflagration of 1200deg.C at supersonic speed from a main body of the nozzle-removed solid propulsion engine(1) by the direct ignition, wherein the main body of the solid propulsion engine(1) contains the solid propellant(19); re-burning the exhausted deflagration perfectly at 1400deg.C by mixing the exhausted deflagration with the outside air and passing through a shock wave; injecting a chemical reaction agent in the stoichiometric ratio of 1-3 to remove nitrogen oxides generated from the re-burning process; inletting the nitrogen oxides-reduced gas in the lower part of a cleaning tower(9) filled with an alkali solution(11) to remove acidic gas, soluble gas, and dust firstly by colliding with the alkali solution(11) and then removing the acidic gas, the soluble gas, and the dust secondly by reacting the ascending collided gas with the alkali solution(11) sprayed from the upper part; exhausting the harmless gas to the atmosphere. And the apparatus comprises a deflagration exhausting part(A), an air inletting device, a re-burning part(B), a nitrogen oxides reducing part(C), and a cleaning part(D) with the alkali solution(11). © KIPO 2005


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