
Amorphous ferrimagnetism alloy is used for a magnetic memory writing is performed by spin polarizati 发明申请

2022-07-31 2440 1150K 0


申请日期 2025-02-26 申请号 JP2003529474
公开(公告)号 JP2005503669A 公开(公告)日 2005-02-03
公开国别 JP 申请人省市代码 全国
申请人 National de la Resherushe Saientifiku les cents500531141
简介 The invention concerns a magnetic memory, whereof each memory point consists of a magnetic tunnel junction ( 60 ), comprising : a magnetic layer, called trapped layer ( 61 ), whereof the magnetization is rigid; a magnetic layer, called free layer ( 63 ), whereof the magnetization may be inverse; and insulating layer ( 62 ), interposed between the free layer ( 73 ) and the trapped layer ( 71 ) and respectively in contact with said two layers. The free layer ( 63 ) is made with an amorphous or nanocrytallized alloy based on rare earth or a transition metal, the magnetic order of said alloy being of the ferromagnetic type, said free layer having a substantially planar magnetization.


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