
electric motors 发明申请

2022-06-02 1840 704K 0


申请日期 2025-02-22 申请号 JP2021210857
公开(公告)号 JP2022059602A 公开(公告)日 2022-04-13
公开国别 JP 申请人省市代码 全国
申请人 三菱電機株式会社
简介 [Problem]It is possible to provide a compressor that has demagnetization resistance even if the amount of rare earth elements different from neodymium such as Dy (dysprosium) contained in rare earth magnets used in electric motors is reduced. [Solution Means] The electric motor 100 includes a stator 102 winding winding, a rotor 202 using a neodymium rare earth magnet having a rare earth element different from iron, neodymium, boron, and neodymium, and a drive circuit 1 having a detection means for detecting the instantaneous value of current flowing into the winding. The electric motor 100 was composed of a six-pole number of poles that stopped the output of the PWM signal when the instantaneous value detected by the detection means was higher than the predetermined current value. [Selection Figure]Figure 21


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