
Polar matrix, and including a metal dopant in the field organic light emitting devices 发明申请

2022-06-06 1510 2069K 0


申请日期 2025-02-22 申请号 KR1020187002068
公开(公告)号 KR1020180019225A 公开(公告)日 2018-02-23
公开国别 KR 申请人省市代码 全国
简介 The present invention relates to an electronic device comprising at least one light emitting layer between an anode and a substantially silver cathode, the device further comprising between the cathode and the anode at least one mixed layer comprising (i) at least one substantially covalent electron transport matrix compound comprising at least one polar group selected from phosphine oxide group or diazole group, and (ii) in substantially elemental form, an electropositive element selected from substantially non-radioactive alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, rare earth metals, and transition metals of the fourth period of the Periodic table having proton numbers 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29.


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