
Catalyst-supported particulate filter 发明授权

2022-06-06 4000 306K 0


申请日期 2025-02-23 申请号 EP08164498
公开(公告)号 EP2055365B1 公开(公告)日 2018-02-28
公开国别 EP 申请人省市代码 全国
申请人 Mazda Motor Corporation
简介 A catalyst layer formed on the walls of exhaust gas channels in a particulate filter contains a catalyst material in the form of secondary particles, each secondary particle being formed so that at least two kinds of primary particles selected from the group consisting of primary particles of activated alumina, primary particles of a Zr-based mixed oxide and primary particles of a Ce-based mixed oxide are mixed and cohere together. Each of the primary particles of the Zr-based mixed oxide contains Zr and a rare earth metal Z other than Ce and each of the primary particles of the Ce-based mixed oxide contains Ce, Zr and a rare earth metal R other than Ce.


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