

2022-06-06 2780 815K 0


申请日期 2025-02-25 申请号 US15824282
公开(公告)号 US20180087136A1 公开(公告)日 2018-03-29
公开国别 US 申请人省市代码 全国
申请人 JX Nippon Mining Metals Corporation
简介 A method of purifying erbium is provided to produce a high-purity erbium having a purity of 5N or higher excluding rare earth elements and gas components, and containing Al, Fe, Cu, and Ta each in an amount of 1 wtppm or less, W in an amount of 10 wtppm or less, carbon in an amount of 150 wtppm or less, alkali metals and alkali earth metals each in an amount of 1 wtppm or less, other transition metal elements in a total amount of 10 wtppm or less, and U and Th as radioactive elements each in an amount of 10 wtppb or less. Erbium has a high vapor pressure and is difficult to refine in a molten state. The method provides technology for efficiently and stably providing high-purity erbium, a sputtering target made of high-purity erbium, and a metal gate film having high-purity erbium as a main component thereof.


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