
R-T-B based permanent magnet 发明授权

2022-06-06 3430 1005K 0


申请日期 2025-02-26 申请号 US14385855
公开(公告)号 US9953751B2 公开(公告)日 2018-04-24
公开国别 US 申请人省市代码 全国
简介 A R-T-B based permanent magnet which not only has equivalent magnetic properties as the existing Nd—Fe—B based permanent magnet as well as light mass but also can be suitably used as a magnet for field system of a permanent magnet synchronous rotating machine. The magnet can be obtained in a case where the composition of the compound for forming the main phase is (R1-x(Y1-zLaz)x)2T14B (R is rare earth element(s) consisting of one or more elements of Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb and Lu, T is one or more transition metal elements with Fe or Fe and Co as essential elements, 0.0


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